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Unlock Your Potential for Success, Happiness, Health, and Wealth

Resilience & Mindset Coaching with Nic Hutson, Quality Mind Global Mind Mentor

Meet Nic Hutson

Quality Mind Global, Mind Mentor & Resilience Coach

An accredited Quality Mind Global Mind Mentor, Nic offers resilience and mindset coaching services fueled by state-of-the-art technology and expert coaching to rapidly reprogram the mind, unlocking the potential for success, happiness, health, and wealth.

Specialising in recovery from burnout, Nic has helped numerous professional clients rediscover their purpose and passion, in work and in life to achieve their goals and overcome obstacles, through personalized coaching and support.

With a focus on resilience and mindset shift, Nic helps individuals develop a positive outlook and a growth mindset that fosters personal and professional growth. Contact Nic today to start your journey towards a more fulfilling life.

Meet Nic Hutson, coach

What We Specialize In

Unlock Your Potential with our proven Personal Activation System workshops

Reset your Limiting Beliefs & Develop a Growth Mindset

Achieve Your Goals

Overcome Obstacles

Personalized Coaching and Support

Ready to become the

best version of YOU?

Unlock your potential for success - for happiness, health, and wealth through our Personal Activation System.

Book a discovery call today and start your journey towards a more fulfilling life.


"A genuinely life changing experience!

The consistency of the app led me to a new understanding of my negative subconscious beliefs & blocks to my success, a wonderful & simple to use tool. As for the Quality Mind program & team, their generosity, knowledge, compassion & support provided a platform for my personal growth with the added benefit of profound healing. I am still in contact with people from my team - having been a significant part of my life. Thank you Quality Mind."

- Kelly M.

"The Quality Mind program has given my life so much more than it had. Life was spinning its wheels until I finally realised I needed to change how I went about it. I started a 3 month program and haven't looked back... now into my next 3 months. Love it!"

- Brett T.

"Quality Mind is a Life Changing Program! As a psychologist, I understand the science and theories of motivation but Quality Mind made it so applicable and simple. I personally love how the app has features that helps me stay focused and on track towards my personal goals. I strongly recommend the Quality Mind Program with your Mind Mentor, and the Mobile App!"

- Benedict W.

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Start Your Journey Towards a More Fulfilling Life

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