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How to Stop Being a Perfectionist and Just Get On With It


Are you one of those people who always want everything to be perfect? Do you put off doing things because you are scared of messing up? Do you spend hours and hours on something, trying to make it flawless? If you said yes, then you might be a perfectionist.

Perfectionism is when you have super high standards for yourself and others, and you get upset or angry when things are not perfect. Perfectionism can make you unhappy, stressed, and tired. It can also stop you from achieving your goals and living your best life.

The truth is, nothing is perfect. No one is perfect. And that’s okay. Being imperfect is what makes you human, special, and awesome. Imperfection is also what helps you learn, grow, and improve.

So, instead of waiting for perfection, you should embrace imperfection and just do it. Here are some reasons why being imperfect is better and some tips on how to do it:

  • Being imperfect helps you beat fear. When you accept that you are imperfect, you stop being afraid of failing, being rejected, or being judged. You realize that making mistakes is normal and not a big deal, and that you can always fix them and move on. You also become braver and more confident to try new things, take chances, and face challenges.

  • Being imperfect helps you save time and energy. When you accept that you are imperfect, you stop wasting time and energy on things that don’t matter, like planning, researching, or editing. You focus on the most important and fun parts of your work, and you get things done faster and easier. You also avoid feeling tired, stressed, and burned out.

  • Being imperfect helps you enjoy the process. When you accept that you are imperfect, you stop worrying about the result and start enjoying the journey. You appreciate your progress, achievements, and efforts, instead of your flaws, failures, and shortcomings. You also have more fun, creativity, and passion for your work.

How to be imperfect and just do it

  • Set realistic and flexible goals. Instead of aiming for perfection, aim for excellence. Excellence means doing your best with what you have and being happy with the result. Set goals that are clear, doable, relevant, and timely, and change them as needed.

  • Break down your goals into smaller and easier steps. Instead of doing your goals in one go, do them in smaller and easier steps. This will help you feel less overwhelmed, more motivated, and more successful. Start with the easiest or most urgent step and work your way up.

  • Just do it and get feedback. Instead of waiting for the right time, the right plan, or the right skill, just do it and get feedback. Doing is the best way to learn, improve, and achieve your goals. Feedback is the best way to measure, fix, and optimize your work. Ask for feedback from yourself, your friends, your mentors, or your customers, and use it to make your work better.

  • Reward yourself and celebrate your success. Instead of focusing on what you did wrong or what you could have done better, focus on what you did right and what you achieved. Reward yourself and celebrate your success, no matter how big or small. This will help you feel good, proud, and motivated.

Being imperfect is better than being perfect, because it helps you beat fear, save time and energy, and enjoy the process. Remember, you are not judged by your mistakes, but by how you deal with them. You are not here to be perfect, but to be yourself. 🙌


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